HexTransforma joins ESCC Enterprise Adviser Network

HexTransforma Healthcare is delighted to join East Sussex County Councils initiative to connect Sussex-based businesses with schools and colleges to support employability and help to develop employment aspiration in the County.
East Sussex County Council invited businesses from a variety of sectors to help East Sussex secondary schools and colleges with their enterprise and careers education strategies. This is an opportunity for you to use your knowledge of the world of work to make a lasting positive impact on the futures of a generation of young people.
Launched by Skills East Sussex in 2015, the Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) helps secondary schools and colleges create long-term careers education, information, advice and guidance strategies.
Across the UK, employers now support over 1,300 schools and colleges and plans are in place to increase that number during 2017. Organisers are confident that as these partnerships grow and develop, business and school link activities will increase and long-term goals will be achieved.
Local networks are formed by the advisers that meet and communicate regularly to share best practice, discuss ideas for joint working and support. Impact and success is being jointly evaluated by schools, advisers and the County Council.
Working to fulfil East Sussex County Council’s Employability and Skills strategy, businesses from priority growth areas including construction, health & social care, creative & digital, engineering, land based industries and tourism, have been matched with secondary, further education and sixth form colleges to reignite business and education links.